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Benefits of Installing a Home Generator

We’ve all been there – a big storm hits, the power goes out, and suddenly you’re left in the dark. It’s not just an inconvenience; losing power can be costly and even dangerous. That’s where a home generator comes in. Installing a generator provides numerous benefits, from keeping your lights on to protecting your home and family.

McBride Electric specializes in the installation and maintenance of home generators. With extensive experience and expertise in electrical systems, McBride Electric ensures that your generator is installed safely and efficiently. Our commitment to quality service makes us the trusted choice for homeowners looking to safeguard their homes against power outages.

Discover the many advantages of having a home generator. Leveraging McBride Electric’s expertise in home generator installation, this guide will explore why investing in a generator is a smart decision for any homeowner. From uninterrupted power supply to enhanced safety, you’ll learn how a generator can provide peace of mind and reliability during outages.

Ensure Uninterrupted Power During Outages

One of the primary benefits of installing a home generator is that it provides a reliable backup power source during outages. When the electricity goes out due to storms, accidents, or other issues, a generator will automatically kick in and keep your lights on and your appliances running. This means:

  • No more stumbling around in the dark
  • Your fridge and freezer stay cold, preserving your food
  • You can continue to use essential medical equipment
  • You can charge your phones and stay connected
  • Your home security system remains operational

Having a generator gives you peace of mind knowing that you won’t be left in the lurch when the power goes out.

Different Types of Home Generators

When it comes to choosing a generator, you have a few options:

  1. Portable generators: These small, mobile units are good for powering a few key appliances but must be manually started and can be noisy.
  2. Standby generators: Permanently installed outside your home, these generators automatically turn on when the power goes out and can run for days on propane or natural gas.
  3. Solar generators: A more environmentally-friendly option, solar generators harness the power of the sun but may not be as powerful as other types.

Consider your budget, power needs, and preferences when deciding which type of generator is right for your home.

Portable Generators: Pros and Cons

Portable generators offer an affordable and flexible solution for backup power, but they come with some drawbacks:

  • Pros: Lower cost, can be moved and stored easily, good for powering essentials
  • Cons: Must be manually started, can be noisy, limited run time, require frequent refueling

Standby Generators: Pros and Cons

Standby generators are a more permanent and robust option for backup power, but they also have their trade-offs:

  • Pros: Automatically start, can power entire home, run quietly, connect to fuel line
  • Cons: Higher upfront cost, require professional installation, take up space in yard

Protect Your Home from Damage

Protecting home from damage

Power outages aren’t just inconvenient; they can also put your home at risk for costly damage. Without power, your sump pump won’t be able to prevent flooding, your security system may not function properly, and extreme temperatures can wreak havoc. A generator protects your home by:

  • Keeping your sump pump running to avoid flooding
  • Maintaining your HVAC system to prevent pipes from freezing in winter or mold growth from humidity in summer
  • Powering your security cameras, alarms, and smart locks
  • Preventing power surges that can damage electronics when electricity is restored

Investing in a generator can save you from devastating and expensive home damage in the long run. Additionally, ensuring that your home’s electrical systems are in top condition is equally important. This is where lighting repair and maintenance services come into play. Regular maintenance and timely repairs can prevent potential issues, keeping your home safe and well-lit. Combining a reliable generator with professional lighting repair and maintenance services offers comprehensive protection and peace of mind for any homeowner.

Prevent Food Spoilage

A refrigerator can only keep food cold for about 4 hours without power, while a freezer can hold its temperature for 24-48 hours. After that, you risk food spoilage and waste. With a generator, you can save hundreds of dollars by keeping your food safely chilled and frozen during extended outages.

Dangers of Food Spoilage

Food that sits above 40°F for more than 2 hours can start to develop harmful bacteria that cause food poisoning. Common signs of spoiled food include:

  • Strange odors
  • Changes in color or texture
  • Frozen foods with signs of thawing and refreezing

When in doubt, throw it out to avoid the risk of illness.

Maintain Comfort and Routine

Losing power disrupts your daily routine and comfort. It can mean no hot showers, no cooking, no laundry, and no entertainment. With a generator, you can maintain some sense of normalcy by:

  • Powering your water heater for hot showers and clean dishes
  • Running your oven, microwave, and coffee maker
  • Keeping your washer and dryer available for laundry
  • Allowing you to watch TV, use computers, and stay entertained

Especially during extended outages, having these small comforts can make a big difference for your family’s well-being.

Work From Home Without Interruption

In our digital age, more and more people are working remotely. But a power outage can completely derail your workday if you rely on computers and the internet. A generator allows you to continue working without skipping a beat by:

  • Keeping your computer, monitor, and other office equipment powered
  • Maintaining your internet connection through your modem and router
  • Powering your printer, scanner, and other essential tools

Don’t let a blackout cost you a day of productivity. With a generator, you can continue working as usual.Don’t let a blackout cost you a day of productivity. With a generator, you can continue working as usual. Additionally, combining a generator with reliable residential electrical repair services ensures that your home’s electrical systems are always functioning optimally. This comprehensive approach not only keeps your power on during outages but also maintains the overall safety and efficiency of your electrical infrastructure.

Avoid Costly Downtime

Every hour of lost productivity due to a power outage can add up quickly:

  • Employees can’t work, but still need to be paid
  • Missed deadlines can mean lost clients or late fees
  • Data loss can set projects back and require rework

Having a generator can minimize expensive downtime and keep your business running smoothly.

Increase Home Value and Marketability

Home generator increasing house value

Having a generator installed can be a major selling point if you ever decide to move. In many areas prone to outages, buyers are increasingly looking for homes that offer the added security of a backup power source. A generator can:

  • Boost your home’s resale value by 3-5%
  • Attract more potential buyers who prioritize preparedness
  • Provide a competitive edge over other homes in your market
  • Demonstrate that your home is well-cared for and maintained

A generator is an investment that can pay off beyond just providing reliable power – it can actually put money back in your pocket when it’s time to sell.

Access Reliable Power for Medical Needs

For those who rely on electrical medical equipment such as CPAP machines, home dialysis, or electric wheelchairs, a power outage can be life-threatening. Having a generator ensures that crucial medical devices continue to function even when the grid goes down, providing:

  • Uninterrupted power for CPAP machines to treat sleep apnea
  • Continuous operation of home dialysis equipment
  • Charging for electric wheelchairs and scooters
  • Power for refrigeration of insulin and other medications

Don’t let a power failure put your health at risk. A generator offers a layer of protection and assurance for those with medical needs.

Prevent Medication Spoilage

Many vital medications, such as insulin, need to be kept refrigerated at specific temperatures to maintain potency. A power outage can cause these to spoil, leading to:

  • High replacement costs
  • Potential unavailability of medications
  • Dangerous lapses in treatment

A generator can keep your fridge running and your medications safe and effective.

Avoid the Costs and Inconvenience of Outages

Every power outage comes with hidden costs, from spoiled food to lost wages if you can’t work. Additionally, trying to get by without power is a major inconvenience that disrupts your routine. Having a generator helps you avoid issues like:

  • Hotel costs if your home becomes unlivable without AC or heat
  • Take-out meals if you can’t cook
  • Replacing spoiled refrigerated food
  • Lost income if you can’t work remotely
  • Boredom and frustration of feeling “stuck” without power

When you add it all up, installing a generator can actually save you money and headaches in the long run compared to toughing it out through outages.

Customize Your Generator to Your Needs

Home generators come in various sizes to suit different power needs and budgets. You can choose to back up your entire home or just select essentials like the fridge, well pump, and medical equipment. When sizing a generator, consider:

  • Crucial appliances you need during an outage
  • Typical duration of outages in your area
  • Fuel type and availability
  • Permit and installation requirements

Consult with a certified electrician to determine the best generator size and setup for your unique situation.

Portable vs Standby: Which is Right for You?

The choice between a portable and standby generator comes down to your specific needs and budget:

  • Portable generators are cheaper and versatile but require manual setup and have shorter run times
  • Standby generators are more expensive upfront but offer seamless, whole-home coverage and long run times
  • Consider factors like outage frequency, essential appliance needs, noise concerns, and fuel availability

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer, so weigh the pros and cons carefully for your situation.

Experience Greater Peace of Mind

Ultimately, one of the greatest benefits of having a home generator is the peace of mind it provides. No more worrying about how you’ll manage without power or if your home is at risk. A generator offers reassurance that:

  • You can handle whatever Mother Nature throws your way
  • Your family will be safe and comfortable during outages
  • Your home is protected from damaging power failures
  • You’re prepared for any emergency situation

With a generator, you can face power loss with confidence, knowing that you have a reliable plan B.

Be Ready for Any Emergency

A generator isn’t just handy for occasional power outages – it’s an essential part of any comprehensive emergency preparedness plan. Disasters like floods, hurricanes, or wildfires can knock out power for days or even weeks. With a generator, you can:

  • Keep your phone charged to receive emergency alerts and check on loved ones
  • Power a radio or TV to stay informed about the situation
  • Run essential appliances like your fridge, sump pump, or medical devices
  • Maintain basic comforts like AC, heat, and hot water
  • Safely shelter in place to conserve community resources

Investing in a generator can make your home a haven in an emergency situation.

Is a Home Generator Right for You?

Is generator a good option for your home

Now that you understand the many benefits of installing a home generator, you may be wondering if it’s the right choice for your situation. Consider a generator if:

  • You live in an area prone to frequent or prolonged outages
  • You work from home and need to stay connected
  • You have electrical medical devices that must keep running
  • Your home has a sump pump, well, or other crucial systems
  • You want to enhance your home’s value and marketability
  • You’re willing to invest in the long-term security and comfort of your family

While the upfront cost of a generator may seem steep, it’s an investment that can provide priceless assurance and savings in the face of unpredictable outages.

How to Choose the Right Generator

If you’ve decided a generator is right for you, the next step is choosing the best unit for your needs. Key factors to consider include:

  • Wattage: What size generator do you need to power your essential appliances?
  • Fuel type: Will you use gasoline, propane, natural gas, or solar?
  • Portability: Do you need to move or store your generator?
  • Noise level: How important is a quiet operation?
  • Features: Do you want electric start, a transfer switch, or remote monitoring?

Take the time to research different models and read reviews to find the generator that offers the best fit and value for your home.


Having a home generator is like having a superpower – the ability to keep your lights on, your food cold, and your family safe no matter what’s happening with the grid. From maintaining basic comforts to preventing costly damage, a generator offers unparalleled peace of mind in the face of unexpected outages.

Installing a home generator may seem like a daunting investment, but it can save you money and stress in the long run. It’s a smart choice for any homeowner who wants to be prepared for whatever life may bring. Don’t wait until the next big storm hits to consider a generator. Explore your options today and invest in the security and comfort of your home and loved ones.

For expert guidance and installation services, reach out to McBride Electric. Contact us at 817-858-0255 or 972-733-1199. Ensure your home is always protected with a reliable generator setup from McBride Electric.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does a home generator cost?

The cost of a home generator varies widely depending on the size, type, and features you choose. Portable generators start around $500 while large standby units can cost $10,000 or more with installation. The average cost is about $5,000-$7,000 for a standby generator suitable for most homes.

What maintenance do home generators require?

Home generators require regular maintenance to ensure reliable operation when you need it most. This includes:

  • Running the unit for about 30 minutes each month
  • Checking and changing oil, filters, and spark plugs as needed
  • Having a professional inspection and tune-up once a year
  • Ensuring proper fuel levels and storage

Refer to your generator’s manual for specific maintenance requirements.

How long can a home generator run continuously?

The run time of a generator depends on the size of the unit and the fuel source. Standby generators connected to a natural gas line can theoretically run indefinitely as long as there’s fuel supply. Generators that use propane or diesel can typically run for 1-2 days on a full tank before needing to refuel.

Are home generators noisy?

Modern generators, especially standby units, are designed to run as quietly as possible to avoid disturbing you and your neighbors. Most run at about 60-70 decibels, which is comparable to a normal conversation or background music. However, portable generators can be much louder.

Can I install a home generator myself?

Installing a standby home generator is not a DIY project. It involves proper sizing, electrical wiring, fuel lines, and permits. For safety and reliability, it’s best to have a licensed electrician or professional generator installer handle the job.

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